Plot for sale in Coimbatore TN
- Amenities: 24Hrs Backup, Security, Bank/ATM, Garden, Community Hall, Laundry, Temple
- Owner I am
- Beds 02
- Baths 02
- Sq-ft Area Unit
- 1200 Area-Size
- 2/4 Wheeler Parking
- Pollachi to Nallampalli Location
Roshan Aro
₹ 3 Lac
BEST Investment and low Budget
- Amenities: 24Hrs Backup, Security, Bank/ATM, Community Hall, Temple
- Owner I am
- Beds 01
- Baths 01
- Sq-ft Area Unit
- 5000 Area-Size
- 2/4 Wheeler Parking
- Othakalmandapam nachipalayam Location
Roshan Aro
₹ 2.8 Lac